Donate!In multiple Ways!

 You Can Help the Famillies with Challenges by Donating

You Can Donate Your Property, Help Financially, or Sponsor with Your Business!


If you would like to donate to Wish Upon a Starfish PCB, click the Paypal link below.  Wish Upon a Starfish PCB is a registered Non-Profit 501-C3 organization with the State of Florida and the Federal Government so all donations are tax deductible.

DonateTime in YourRental

If you have a rental property here in Panama City Beach, FL and would like to donate time in your rental to Wish Upon a Starfish PCB, we’d be honored to fill it with a family who has challenges.  Click HERE to contact us and tell us more, and we’ll be in touch with you!


If you’re a small business and would like to donate services, products, or financially, please feel free to reach out to us HERE!

Our Mission

We formed our non-profit in late 2023, but we’ve been clear on our mission for many years now. We want to do all we can for families in need and create lasting memories at the beach.

We simply want to give our families a much-needed break from the challenges of their everyday lives. Everyone needs to get away now and then, but not everyone can afford to due to high medical expenses. We’re simply donating our rental properties to give our families a chance to relax, bond, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Contact us and let’s talk about what our family can do for yours.

HowIt Works

We partner with rental property owners in Panama City Beach, Florida area to donate time in their homes to our families. Families can apply for a vacation by contacting us to see if they qualify. We select families based on their needs and availability.

If you or someone you know has a child with health issues, contact us, and let’s talk about what we can do for the family.


Not only can you donate financially to help the families we're helping, but you can donate time at your vacation property as well.


If you're a family that has specific challenges with cancer, childhood disease, or special needs--  take the next step and apply for a vacation.


Would you like to connect with us?  Interested in becoming a partner or a sponsor? Reach out here.


We’re looking to help as many different types of families as we can, but our priority is to donate our properties to families who:

  • Have a child battling cancer, some other childhood illness or special needs
  • The child is medically stable enough to travel to the Panama City Beach area
  • Does not require extensive medical equipment (or whatever medical equipment is required can be transported)
  • Is referred by a medical professional or affiliated agency

If you feel your family can meet these qualifications, please contact us, and let’s talk about getting your vacation scheduled.

HowYOU Can Help

If you have a passion for helping families who have a child in need, we have several ways that you can directly help. You can:

  • Donate Time: If you have rental property around the Panama City Beach area and you have some empty time slots, please contact us about offering your property.
  • Donate Money: Our goal is to provide a vacation for our families with no or minimal out-of-pocket expenses. This means we always need money for groceries. Please contact us and we’re happy to explain how their donations will be used.
  • Spread the Word: If you’re like us and love what we do, please share about our non-profit with your friends and family.

Contact Us

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