
 for Kids and Families Battling Cancer, Childhood Diseases, and Special Needs.

About Wish Upon A Starfish: Bringing Joy and Relief One Beach Vacation at a Time


At Wish Upon A Starfish, our mission is to create lasting memories and moments of respite for families facing the challenges of childhood cancer, disease, or special needs. We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to experience the joy and healing power of a vacation, regardless of their circumstances.

Our Vision

We envision a world where no child battling illness or facing difficult circumstances is denied the chance to build sandcastles, feel the warm sand between their toes, and laugh with loved ones on a sun-kissed beach. We strive to be a leading force in providing free, accessible, and unforgettable vacations that offer families a much-needed escape from their daily struggles.

More Than JustJust a Vacation

We understand that the fight against cancer, disease, and special needs can be overwhelming, both emotionally and financially. Our wish is not just to offer a fun getaway, but to provide a transformative experience that:

  • Reduces stress and anxiety for families burdened by medical bills and treatment schedules.
  • Strengthens family bonds by creating joyful shared memories and fostering laughter and relaxation.
  • Offers a renewed sense of hope and normalcy by allowing families to enjoy a simple vacation experience.
  • Provides opportunities for connection and support by connecting families facing similar challenges.


Tom and Laura Vooris have had rental property in Panama City for years now. They loved the area so much that they decided to move down to PC from Atlanta, Georgia just a few years ago where they’ve become immersed in the culture. To say they love their new city is a huge understatement.

After spending years, playing Santa Claus for children with special needs and health issues, as well as other philanthropic efforts, Tom and Laura decided to open their rental properties to families who have children with health issues.
Why? Simple. They want to make any difference they can in these young people’s lives. Whether it’s creating a lasting memory for these families or buying lunch or dinner for veterans or first responders, Tom is always on the lookout for little ways to help others who so richly deserve it.

Imagine a world where we all are on the same kind of journey

Join UsIn Making Wishes Come True!

We rely on the generous support of individuals, businesses, and community partners to create these magical vacations. Whether you donate, volunteer your time, or simply spread the word, you play a vital role in helping us grant families precious moments of joy and respite.

Together, we can make a difference and ensure that every child has the chance to experience the wonder of a beach vacation.
Join us today and help us turn wishes into starfish-filled memories!


Not only can you donate financially to help the families we're helping, but you can donate time at your vacation property as well.


If you're a family that has specific challenges with cancer, childhood disease, or special needs--  take the next step and apply for a vacation.


Would you like to connect with us?  Interested in becoming a partner or a sponsor? Reach out here.

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