VacationsFor Families With Challenges

 It’s What We Do…

Bringing Joy and Relief One Beach Vacation at a Time

Families With Challenges Need a Vacation.Need a Vacation. We're Here to Give Them The Right Place.

At Wish Upon A Starfish, we understand that for families with children facing health challenges, there is a private struggle that most people can’t begin to understand. It’s a struggle without breaks, days off, or vacations.

We simply want to try and change all that.

While we wish we could cure every child battling health issues, all we can do is share the gifts we’ve acquired over the years. We are a dedicated group of beach rental property owners who have joined forces to offer these families a much-needed escape. Our mission is simple: we’ve been blessed, and we want to pay those blessings forward by providing your family with a serene haven, just a stone’s throw from the shoreline.

Our Why

We’re a family who’s been involved with other families who have physical challenges.  They often don’t just need help, but they need a break–  a moment in time to enjoy their family–  because the family has been so preoccupied with other things, often medical related.

Their needs are great, and we want to provide for them.

What we’re often giving, other than a tangible place to stay at the beach, is the gift of time together, the gift of memories spent with each other, and the gift of love from someone they don’t even know who just cares.  These families often know that time is short, becuase many of their kids or family members have critical illnesses or cancer.  They live this, day in and day out–  and we want to give them a time where perhaps– they don’t have to focus so hard on getting that family member well, and can just do life together at the beach.  This is why we do this.

Our How

As much as we wish we could help everyone, resources are limited so we have an application process where the families who are in need can apply for a vacation.  The link is HERE if you’d like to apply, and we’d love to have you do so. 

HowYou Can Be Involved

Tom and Laura Vooris have had rental property in Panama City for years now. They loved the area so much that they decided to move down to PC from Atlanta, Georgia just a few years ago where they’ve become immersed in the culture. To say they love their new city is a huge understatement.

If you like them have rental property in the Panama City Beach, FL area, we’d love to have you consider helping us out by giving some time from your property to help out one of these families. We’ll take the time to vette them and to make sure that they’re a great fit for your property.  If you would donate your place, we’ll take care of the rest.


Not only can you donate financially to help the families we're helping, but you can donate time at your vacation property as well.


If you're a family that has specific challenges with cancer, childhood disease, or special needs--  take the next step and apply for a vacation.


Would you like to connect with us?  Interested in becoming a partner or a sponsor? Reach out here.

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