
 If Your Family is one of the familes we help, with a Child Battling Cancer, Childhood Disease, or Special Needs, then Apply Below!

Qualifications toApply

At Wish Upon A Starfish, our mission is to create lasting memories and moments of respite for families facing the challenges of childhood cancer, disease, or special needs. We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to experience the joy and healing power of a vacation, regardless of their circumstances.


We’re looking to help as many different types of families as we can, but our priority is to donate our properties to families who:

  • Have a child battling cancer, some other childhood illness or special needs
  • The child is medically stable enough to travel to the Panama City Beach area
  • Does not require extensive medical equipment (or whatever medical equipment is required can be transported)
  • Is referred by a medical professional or affiliated agency

If you feel your family can meet these qualifications, please contact us, and let’s talk about getting your vacation scheduled.


Please fill out and submit the form below. We will contact you shortly.

Please note: we cannot guarantee an opening on the date you request, and we may reach out to schedule another available time.

Maximum file size: 516MB

Please let us know about any specific accommodations you may require.



Not only can you donate financially to help the families we're helping, but you can donate time at your vacation property as well.


If you're a family that has specific challenges with cancer, childhood disease, or special needs--  take the next step and apply for a vacation.


Would you like to connect with us?  Interested in becoming a partner or a sponsor? Reach out here.

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