PeopleWe've Helped

Here are some images of the people who have been helped by

Wish Upon a Starfish!


We love to be able to give the families that come through Wish Upon a Starfish the respite their families need here in Panama City Beach, Florida. We treasure the relationships forged with these families and sincerely hope that the little bit here that we’re able to do for them, creates lasting memories for them that they treasure with their loved ones the rest of their days.  Below are some of the images of the families that have come through, that we’re able to share with you.


Not only can you donate financially to help the families we're helping, but you can donate time at your vacation property as well.


If you're a family that has specific challenges with cancer, childhood disease, or special needs--  take the next step and apply for a vacation.


Would you like to connect with us?  Interested in becoming a partner or a sponsor? Reach out here.

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