BusinessesWho Help Us

 They’re Giving…

And they’re Great at Their Work

Own A BusinessAnd Wanna Help? Join Us!

If your business would like to help us, we’d be honored to have you help us help families with challenges.  Gifts can be:

  • Financial
  • Sponsor a specific family if you like
  • Donations of Goods or Services
  • You can donate regularly or one-time

We’d love to have your help, and you’d truly be helping people who feel the need, constantly. Click the donate button or contact us for more information.

Our Sponsors & Partners

If you happen to see this page, we’d apprecaite it if you would patronize these businesses.  They not only have great businesses, but they have great hearts–  and they’ve come aboard to help us to achieve great things here locally in Panama City Beach by providing a piece of the puzzle that is Wish Upon a Starfish.  They really do help us help others.  

Make It Loud.

These guys do all of our digital related things and our printing, including our website.  They’ve got 20 years in the business, and we highly recommend them.

Tyson L. Elmore, CPA.

These folks are our CPA’s and have done a ton of work for us helping us get setup as a business entity.  They’re fantastic!

The Fuqua Firm

Cameron Fuqua from the Fuqua Firm has been of tremendous help getting us going with our non-profit. We highly recommend him.

Fox 28

This is a partner who helps get us in front of businesses and promotes and supports us. The sales manager is on our board.


Not only can you donate financially to help the families we're helping, but you can donate time at your vacation property as well.


If you're a family that has specific challenges with cancer, childhood disease, or special needs--  take the next step and apply for a vacation.


Would you like to connect with us?  Interested in becoming a partner or a sponsor? Reach out here.

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